It was just the three of us this weekend, my parents went to the beach. Our time together started on Friday. Brent was given the day off because he worked a tremendous amount Monday through Thursday. It's nice that he is working for a company that appreciates him and rewards his hard work. Friday afternoon we went to the library. I stocked up on interesting books about trucks, fire engines, airplanes and animals. We have enough books to read a different one every day for a month. Hey, there is no limit and why read the same book a hundred times? It was raining so we ended our day with a Brent Ryan favorite, BBQ pizza from Papa Johns, a beer and a movie.
After feeding T breakfast Saturday morning we headed out for a jog and a look at the ducks. We get our exercise and Thomas is entertained as we run around the lake. I enjoyed it. The weather was perfect and the all the greenery still amazes us. To make sure we had the perfect balance of consumed calories and burned calories we came home and had pancakes by Chef Brent. If you have not experienced Brent's Breakfasts you are missing out! It negated all of our hard work but it was worth it, they were delicious! After T had a nap we headed out to the park. The park was fun but it was more humid and the sun was bright. We didn't stay long, just enough time for T to burn some energy. On the way home we stopped at one of my favorite farms. We got some fresh peaches and sweat corn. Local farms are another attraction that make me love the east. Ripe produce and the smell of the market.....yum.
Sunday was our busiest day of the weekend. We took Thomas to our local Airpark Cafe and had a great breakfast. We sat outside. The weather was beautiful and we had plenty of shade at a prime table. We had a great view of planes taking off and landing. T was in heaven. Airplanes are his favorite. He can hear them miles away while in the house!
After our bellies were nice and full we headed off to a great park (Cabin John)! It has lots of shade and a big playground for toddlers. T had fun, he climbed and slid and ran. It was perfect. They also had this fabulous little train. We bought our tickets and waited in the station. So cute! While we waited T fell backwards and with nothing to brace his fall he slammed his head into the concrete. I was a few steps away and I heard it. It makes me cringe just thinking about it. It was so loud. He was hysterical and I was panicked. We ran to the car where I had some cold ice packs and attempted to put ice on it (T didn't like that idea). We got him settled down and he seemed to be ok. I wondered if we should head for the hospital but our train was pulling into the station and he was beginning to act like himself. The whole ride I kept looking at his eyes to make sure they weren't dilated and feeling bumps. Our little guy must have a hard head cause he showed no signs of a concussion. The train had T in a trance. I am not sure he knew what it was but it sure had him looking.

Our Labor Day Weekend was ended today with a walk to Einstein's for bagels, some outside play, a little time with the hose and burgers on the grill. I had such a great weekend with my family. We missed Grandma and Grandpa but it was really nice to have the house to ourselves and be together. I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend as much as we enjoyed ours.

Great pics Liz!
Thanks hon!!! We are SOOO excited to head home!!! Even though we will MISS this weather! BTW... when we were on the bike yesterday, we drove by LAX and a HUGE 747 flew RIGHT over us, about 100-150 above us!!! T would have LOVED it!!! :)
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