Monday, September 15, 2008

It's Monday Already....

I am not sure who thought two days was sufficient. They must not have had a family. The weekends are simply too short. Our time with Brent should be longer, five days seems more appropriate. His work week often calls for long hours and we do not see much of him. We miss him, Thomas and I. The weekends allow us to catch up, be together. Saturday the three of us went to the pool. I am not sure who loves it more, Thomas or Brent. Thomas has no fear. He would walk right off the side if he could. He lays on his back and kicks. He turns his head to the side as if taking a breath in the middle of a freestyle stroke and jumps off the ledge. Brent loves carrying him around the pool, wading in and out of the waterfalls and taking him down this HUGE water slide. It makes my heart stop but I know he wouldn't let anything happen to him. I think more than anything Brent loves seeing how he much he has changed over five work days.

Saturday night Brent and I had a date. We actually made an attempt to get out of our "playing in the yard with a one year" clothes and look human. We went downtown to DC and had an amazing dinner at Oceanaire (coming to Phoenix soon). It was so great to be with my husband, have a glass of wine (or two), eat without being interrupted and talk. I'd tell you what we had but it's embarrassing the amount of food ordered and consumed. We didn't hold back, if it sounded good we ordered it and the bill was proof.

It didn't take a night out with my husband to realize how much I love him. It just reinforced it. I am so lucky to have found such a supportive friend to be my partner. He sacrifices for us and never complains. He moved across the country so I could be closer to my family, leaving his. He leaves the house before the sun is up and isn't home until it's down, with a long commute each way. He pays the bills, changes the breaks on the car, and fixes the crib after I break it every other week. He doesn't complain when there is nothing for dinner or when the house looks like a tornado hit.

I'm blessed to have someone who tells me things will be ok and holds my hand, someone who supports my dream to be a stay at home mom, and someone who chooses to be involved. Often giving up X Box, Sunday football games, happy hours, and the gym so he can be at home with his family, changing dirty diapers, chasing, bathing and reading books. He is a great Dad and T adores him. I cannot wait to see the two of them when Thomas is a little older.

He is the greatest and the weekends are not enough.


OceanDesert said...

He IS a great dad! Glad you all had a nice weekend and "date night!" hugs!